Name: KANNO Taro(菅野太郎)
From: Hikari, Yamaguchi Pref. (山口県光市)
High School: Shudo High School(修道高等学校)
Favorites: Travel, Walking, History, Basketball(東大バスケ部'97卒)
Academic Society
Resilience Engineering Association, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
人間工学会, プラントヒューマンファクタ学会, 災害医学会, 災害看護学会, ヒューマンインタフェース学会, 人工知能学会
Short Bio.
2007.4 (H.19)ーCurrent: Associate Prof., Dept. Systems Innovation, School of Eng., The University of Tokyo
(Visiting Prof. @Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 2020.2-3)
(Visiting Scholar@NTUST, Taiwan, 2019.11-2020.2)
(Visiting Prof. @Université de Valenciennes, France, 2013.6 )
2006.4 (H.18)ー2007.3: Assistant Prof., Dept. Quantum Eng. and Systems Science, School of Eng. The University of Tokyo
2002.4 (H.14)ー2006.3: Posdoc Researcher, Nuclear Safety Group, Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX-JST)
2002.3 (H.14): Doctorate (Eng), Dept. Quantum Eng. and Systems Science, School of Eng., The University of Tokyo
Dissertation: 「A Study on Team Intention Inference Method」
1999.3 (H.11): Master (Eng), Dept. Quantum Eng. and Systems Science, School of Eng., The University of Tokyo
Dissertation: 「A Support System for Profound Understanding of Plant Operation by Visualization of Relevant Knowledge」
1997.3 (H.09): Bachelor (Eng), Dept. Quantum Eng. and Systems Science, School of Eng., The University of Tokyo
Dissertation: 「Zns(Ag)シンチレータを用いた超冷中性子のβ崩壊による陽子検出」